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Privacy policy

Privacy is the freedom from intrusion, and dignity is being worthy of respect.



To achieve high standards of patient dignity and to put patient experience high on the agenda.



To provide a framework for improving the patient experience in all care areas within our dental practice around six key themes:

  • Attitudes and behaviours

  • Personal world and identity

  • Personal boundaries and space

  • Communication between staff and patients

  • Privacy and confidentiality of personal information

  • Privacy, dignity and modesty.


General Principles

Every staff member must see that the privacy and dignity of all patients are respected.


The practice consistently monitors the environment within the practice concerning privacy and dignity issues.


Respectful attitudes and behaviours are promoted and assured, preventing patients from experiencing offensive and harmful attitudes and behaviours.


Patients and relatives/carers should be given clear information on how to raise concerns and to whom.


Problems with standards and guidelines on privacy and dignity in the care of patients shall be monitored and reported through the incident reporting system.


Attitudes & Behaviours

  • Patients feel that they matter all the time.

  • Respectful attitudes and behaviours are promoted and assured, including consideration of non-verbal behaviour and body language.

  • Issues about attitude and behaviour towards minority groups are addressed with individual staff.


Personal World & Personal Identity

  • Patients experience care in an environment that actively encompasses individual values, beliefs and personal relationships.

  • Stereotypical views are challenged, and the valuing of diversity is demonstrated.

  • Individual needs and choices are ascertained and continuously reviewed.


Personal Boundaries & Space

  • All staff members promote a patient’s personal space.

  • The name that the patient wants to be called is agreed upon and noted.

  • The acceptability of personal contact (touch) is identified with the individual patient.

  • Personal and private space is respected and protected for individuals, and privacy is effectively maintained.


Communication between Staff and Patients

  • Communication between staff and patients takes place in a manner that respects their individuality.

  • Access to translation and interpretation services is provided as appropriate.

  • Information is adapted to meet the needs of individual patients are identified.

  • All information is factual in plain language with no jargon or abbreviations and given at the required level of understanding.

  • Relevant communication exchanges are recorded.


Privacy & Confidentiality of Personal Information

  • Information is shared with consent to enable care.

  • Informed consent is sought when using trained interpreters.

  • Precautions are taken to prevent information from being shared inappropriately.

  • The practice’s consent, confidentiality policy, Caldicott principles and information security policies must always be followed.


Privacy, Dignity, & Modesty

  • Patient care actively promotes privacy and dignity and protects their modesty.

  • Patients are protected from unwanted public view whenever appropriate.

  • A private area is created or made available.


Approved by Alexandre Junqueira Marques and Roseanne Farinha.

Published date: 22/02/2024.

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